

Cleaning Machine

A compact and versatile thin sheet cleaner

A robust cleaner, ideally suited for cleaning thinner materials typically found in PCBs, graphics, LCDs and Touchpanels.

State-of-the-art lightweight elastomer rollers, contacting both sides of the sheet with minimal pressure they ensure to leave the sensitive surface of the material undamaged. Now with low static cleaning.


Uni-Directional [&] Auto Reverse

Available in five cleaning widths

Processing speed 1 – 40 m/min

Multifunctional tablet operator interface

Powered internal support rollers

Compact-powered stainless-steel support roller for thin materials

Easy side access to cleaning rollers and adhesive rolls

Would you like to learn more about our products?

Are you planning a new project? Would you like to arrange for service or are you looking for spare parts?
We would love to help and look forward to hearing from you.

Teknek CM81 | SAT Electronic Vertriebs GmbH

Roll Cleaner
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