X-ray Inspection System


X-ray Inspection System

<p>The system provides a sophisticated auto-inspection capability based on its superior accuracy, repeatability and reproducibility to fulfill the highest level of inspection requirements. Our system has been widely adopted in the area of semiconductor application as well as in the area of the SMT mounting process.</p>


<p>Throughput highly enhanced</p> <p>Image quality further improved by extremely stiff frame and linear scale</p> <p>Proprietary image processing technology and high-sensitive FPD provides clear image</p> <p>These unique features work to obtain high-quality CT images and to improve automated inspection precision</p> <p>Facilitates captures from any angle between 0 to 60 degrees, providing best capturing conditions</p> <p>[nbsp]</p>

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Technohorizon NXI-3510 | SAT Electronic Vertriebs GmbH

X-ray Inspection System
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